Creative Connections is a drama resource full of creative, informational material that links Drama to Science and Social Studies in the Ontario curriculum. Inside the Grade 4 manual you will find 14 Reproducible Drama Works (see explanation below), Teacher Reference Guides, Assessment Rubrics, Personal Response Activities, Group Planning Sheets, a Teacher Observation Sheet, and a Peer Assessment Sheet. 95 pages.
Grade 4 topics include Bienvenue en 4e année!, Les sociétés anciennes, Le Canada, Les roches et les minéraux, La lumière et le son, Les habitats et les communautés, Les poulies et les engrenages.
Drama Works are divided into two categories:
1) Rhyming Raps – A performance poem that reinforces concepts
2) Drama Dialogues – A small group skit that explores issues and solutions
There is a Rhyming Rap and a Drama Dialogue for each of the 7 topics above.
Browse through our sample pages to see how our creative material can support your program!